Im Leah, a 17 year old blogger, this blog is focused mainly on Beauty! I write a new Blog every Thursday

Monday 11 January 2016

How to get into make-up artistry

I thought that I would post a blog post about how to get into make-up artistry which is what I do at the moment, this gets you the actual qualification and tutors will help send you in the right direction and give you advice at where to head after the course and give their past experiences which will give you an idea of where to go.

How to get into a make-up artistry course:

The first thing which you will need to do is try and find your nearest college which does the course, its becoming more common that most colleges do the course now but before it used to be mostly beauty courses they'd put you on. When applying for the course you will be asked to put in your expected grades for GCSE. You will get invited for an interview and 9/10 get in! Do not worry about the interviews for the course as all they really ask is why you're interested in the course and ask how you'd get to college etc.. nothing hard or nerve racking!

Starting your course:

when starting the course the first week is very slow so be prepared for a slow getting to know the college week! In the week your given the opportunity to get to know new friends and tutors and learn about the college and where to go for lessons. In this week you also fill out some important forms so they know your doctors, parents numbers, emergency numbers and if you have any illnesses or allergies. You are also asked to fill in your GCSE results, now do not worry if you dont like what you got in your GCSE results, no matter what people say all colleges want to know mainly is if you got a C or above in maths & English. Now if you go below a C in  either or maybe both you will either have to do functional skills level 1 &2 if you got below a D but a new law came in, in September 2015 that if you got a D in maths or English you can go straight and do your GCSE lessons/ exams again. The first couple of weeks of college are the settling in stage and things may seem a bit awkward if everyone have got different groups of friends but by the fourth week every one has mingled and your all a massive group of friends!

The experience and work:

The whole experience of college is exactly what you make it! You could possibly have days where you think 'im quitting, im done, do I really need this?' then others you'll love it and wont ever want to leave! Everyone has these days! Now the work ive had to do is photo shoots,theory exams and sketchbook work. Photo shoot exams are when you do your final look for the theme you've been doing for example : bridal,high fashion,Egyptian etc.. Your tutor marks you on this and that it done and dusted! its your creation so there is nothing wrong with it you'd never fail! The theory side is actual computer exams where you do exams on anatomy and physiology, Health and safety etc.. these are vital for passing your course but you do have theory lessons so you do get taught everything! The exams are marked pass or fail and you have to get at least 70% to pass. Sketchbook work is when you create mood board for every theme you do and you put your final pictures in here, the sketchbook then gets marked and that is you finished!

I really hoped this random post helped if your looking into make-up artistry! Thank you for reading!

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